John and Kelly Glessner

Connection Group Leaders: Mullica Hill, NJ

A Little Bit About Us

John grew up in South Jersey and came to know Christ as a teenager through Young Life, where he also met his wife Kelly. He went on to Drexel University, graduating with a degree in Commerce & Engineering.  John later worked for Young Life as the Area Director for Gloucester County. He is now working as a Supply Chain Manager for a personal care company in Philadelphia.

John, Kelly and their 4 children are involved in many areas of ministry at FBC, specifically serving in the Connection  Group ministry.

When Do We Meet?

We meet in Mickleton the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month from 7:00-9:00 pm.

What is our group like?

We love studying the deep things of God during our time together, challenging and encouraging one another from the Scriptures, and praying with and for each other. And if you're looking to connect with families with younger children, this is the place for you. So bring your families, your Bible, and room for snacks! We look forward to seeing you!

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