Care Ministries


Marriage Enrichment

We believe that marriage is a beautiful thing that requires a lot of hard work. Partnered with biblical instruction, the wisdom of life experience can be such a benefit when it is shared. There are couples in our church who want to help. These couples are not licensed counselors or therapists, but they are maturing believers in Jesus who desire to fulfill a biblical vision of local church members helping one another move forward in our shared walk with Christ. 

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Our facilitated support groups are for adults who have been impacted with various afflictions (any type):

•  Loved ones in bondage to a destructive lifestyle
•  Personal struggles, or battling any sinful habit or addiction
•  Separation, divorce, or feelings of loneliness


Grace in Action

2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 7pm

Fellowship Bible Church

Grace in Action is a fellowship of men and women who, in our struggle with various life afflictions, come together to share our experiences, strengths, and hopes with each other. This is “so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Cor.1:4)

If you are interested in attending the men's group, email Ed

If you are interested in attending the women's group, email Rosemary

Transformed to Victory

Saturdays, 9:30am

Fellowship Bible Church

Transformed to Victory is a fellowship of men who in our struggle with various life dominating sins, seek to discover what God’s word (the Bible) teaches about our damaging habits. We believe that as we gather together in the name of Jesus Christ - God’s Spirit works to create in us a greater understanding of ourselves, our relationship with our Maker, and others.

If you are interested in attending Transformed to Victory, email Giuseppe


Caring for Others

To learn more about how we can care for those around us, download a copy of Caring for Others.

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